Sustainable—from sustain—to keep going, prolong, to hold up
What is sustainable beekeeping?
Having a sustainable beekeeping operation can
be considered from several viewpoints.
Probably, the first is financial.
Does the value of your honey harvest offset the cost of producing it?
Second, are you perpetually buying
replacement stock or are you able to sustain your operation by making splits to
replace your losses.
A sustainable operation has the added benefit of not
importing and more rapidly spreading the bee parasites ( ie varroa, hive beetles,
etc) and viruses known to be spread during the annual almond pollination.
In addition, by only using Wisconsin bees,
you will be helping develop a localized bee that is adapted to the american
midwestern environment.
The many
subspecies of the European honeybee evolved as the European honeybee adapted to
local conditions.
The same evo;ution
would occur here if allowed.
The weather and plant environment of
Wisconsin is distinctly different from sources of queen bees (ie. California,
Texas, Georgia, etc.).
Wisconsin (ie the
Midwest) would naturally evolve its own locally adapted bee if not continually
swamped out by the package bee genetics.
Most hobbyist beekeepers quit the hobby because their bees
do not make it through winter and they must purchase replacements every
It is a known fact that
overwintered bees will usually produce more honey than new packages or
The hobbyist utilizing packages or
nucs therefore starts at a disadvantage in trying to make the hobby pay or even
break even.
Also, nothing is more
discouraging than seeing your bees die during the winter.
Since probably 80% of winter losses are due
to varroa and the related viruses, the first step to sustainability is to copy
the varroa control practices of a successful beekeeper.
Presently, there are only two ways to control
Chemical control (natural or
synthetic) or by interrupting the mite’s reproductive cycle (See the March 1,
2018 blog article on natural mite control).
Both methods work.
Choose one
method and apply it religiously.
If you
don’t your bees
will die and you will probably give up beekeeping after
a few years of buying replacement bees.
Although there are designer bees (VSH, mite
biters, Minnesota hygentic, etc.) none of these has been shown to control mites
sufficiently to prevent winter colony demise without additional interventions.
Once you master the art of controlling mites and getting
your bees through winter.
These “survivor”
bees will be more in sync with their Wisconsin environment.
When you continually buy new bees from out of
state (mainly California and the southern US) you are importing bees that a
genetically better matched to our environment as mentioned above.
In addition, you can then also purchase
specialty queens better suited to handle varroa and improve the genetics of
your bees.
Even under the best of conditions, all beekeepers lose bees
throughout the year, but mainly during the winter.
So there is always a need for replacement
The next step in sustainable
beekeeping is to raise your own replacement stock.
Actually, the raising of replacement stock is
easier than the effort to control varroa.
There are three basic methods of rearing your own replacement stock; 1)
spring splits, 2) fall splits, and 3) summer nucs and 4)winter nucs.
Now that you have mastered the process of getting your bees
through the winter, it is time to raise your own replacement stock.
Beekeepers have traditionally “split” some of
their stronger hives in late spring to raise replacements or make
Splitting is simply the
dividing of a hive into two or more parts with the aim of starting more hives
or replacing deadouts.
The objective of the split is to end up with 2 or more new
It is up to the individual beekeeper on how
he/she wants to go about it.
The split
can be a 50/50 affair or other ratios such as; 30/70 or 30/30/40 or
A 50/50 split is the most
commonly used.
Here the brood and honey
frames are divided between two new hives evenly.
Obviously, only one hive ends up with the old
A new queen can be installed in
the queenless hive or the beekeeper can opt to allow the queenless hive to
raise their own queen.
The 30/70 split
is used if the beekeeper wants to increase the chances for a honey harvest from
the stronger hive (70%).
The larger hive
gets the queen and the smaller either a new queen or the option of them rearing
a new queen on their own.
The other ratios
(30/30/40 or 25/25/25/25) are used if the beekeeper’s goal is a longterm
increase in their apiary.
The smaller
new hives will take almost the entire summer to grow to full size and probably
won’t produce a honey crop in the year of the split.
When planning to make splits be sure to get
queens ordered with a delivery date that meets your needs.
Hives that have survived winter have a natural tendency to
This can turn out to be a
blessing for a beekeeper needing queens.
Instead of the need to repeatedly searching the hive to remove queen
cells the beekeeper can instead remove the frames with the queen cells to provide
survivor stock queens for splits.
Removing the queen cells will delay or prevent swarming of the original
Fall splits are usually done in early August.
The population of the hive to be split will
be at its maximum before the autumn decline.
Fall splits are usually 50/50 affairs.
Some beekeepers split two hives in a 66/33 fashion.
The two 33% portions are combined.
The queenless portions of these splits are
given a new young queen.
These hives
will have a large population of forging bees with little to forage in the
Therefore, all fall splits are
heavily fed sugar syrup immediately.
This gives those excess foragers some useful work to do.
The foragers will rapidly fill frames with
syrup for the coming winter.
In addition
the syrup will stimulate the hives to start another round of brood rearing to
bring the population up to strength prior to winter.
A nuc is simply a small 4 or 5 frame hive.
Nucs can be easily be started in the spring
from a strong hive by simply taking 3 frames of brood containing eggs, uncapped
and capped brood plus to undrawn frames of foundation.
Usually the nuc will raise its own
This action has the added
benefit of reducing the urge of the strong hive to swarm.
Over the summer the beekeeper
then has available a queen if one is needed for his other hives. Also over the summer the nuc will
expand. This will provide the beekeeper
with another full size hive by fall or maybe a nuc for overwintering.
As stated above all beekeepers lose hives over the
So come spring the beekeepers
are in need of replacement bees if they want to keep their operation of the
same size.
Beekeepers that utilize the
winter nuc concept have found that the winter nucs have the same or slightly
better winter survival than their full size hives.
Here is how winter nucs work.
In early August when the hive population is at its peak, the
20 frame hive is split equally between two 5 over 5 nucs.
Each nuc gets half of the brood and half of
the honey frames.
Each nuc also gets a
new queen.
The new queen is the first
advantage the winter nucs have to good survival.
Introduction of the new queen also introduces
a short, late summer, brood break.
breaks also result in an interruption of the varroa reproductive cycle.
That is the second plus.
Next the beekeeper is essentially wintering two hives
instead of one hive.
Based on
probabilities the beekeeper will come out ahead the next spring.
For example, if the beekeeper overwinters 4
hives at 75% survival rate the beekeeper will end up with 3 hives in the
If the beekeeper instead makes 8
winter nucs from those 4 hives and again has 75% survival the beekeeper ends up
with 6 hives!
From the example above you may end up with more nucs than
you need or want.
Sell the excess to your local beekeepers who
will be looking for packages.
Your nucs
has the added benefit of being local overwintered stock that has shown it can
survive a Wisconsin winter.
The odd thing about winter nucs is that their survival rate
seems to be higher and also that they build up faster in the spring than many
full-size hives.
It is speculated the
young vigorous queens and smaller hive volume to warm during the spring brood
buildup are the reasons for this performance.
From my limited experience with utilizing winter nucs, I can also say
they appear less likely to swarm and produce an equal or larger honey crop than
overwintered hives.
The only thing better than getting your hives through winter
is also raising your replacement stock from your own bees.
Doing that you graduate from a basic beehaver
to a full fledged beekeeper who has a sustainable hobby.
This can then become a step along the path to
having a varroa resistant Wisconsin/Midwest bee.