
Thursday, December 10, 2015


ECWBA Meeting Schedule 2016
  • January 23, 2016. Start at 9:30 am.  Location is Ripon Public Library in the Silver Creek Room (downstairs).
Memberships for 2016
The new year also brings with it membership renewal time.  The membership dues are $5.00 for a one year membership.  One membership entitles the member(s) to receive the newsletter, to vote on officer elections and organizational business issues, and to hold a position as an officer.  A membership may include more than one person (e.g. husband/wife, parent/child, etc.), but only one newsletter will be sent out and only one vote may be cast per membership.
ECWBA Officer Election January 2016 Meeting
At the January, 2016, meeting, the offices of president and secretary, are up for re-election.  Here’s an opportunity to become involved as a volunteer in an organization serving fellow beekeepers.  Please think about running for one of these offices.  If you would like more information, please get in touch with ECWBA president, Jeff Champeau.
I, myself as ECWBA President, will not seek re-election for the office of association president.  So, we are looking especially to fill the upcoming vacancy of the president office.
The office of secretary is currently held by Patti Ingram and will be up for re-election in January.
ECWBA Website
Visit the ECWBA online for the latest association information at Fred Ransome manages the ECWBA website.  Please direct any inquiries regarding the website and blog to Fred at .
Beekeeping Notes:
  • As for 2015, if there is something you have not done yet for your bees, don’t worry – it’s too late!!!
  • Start planning for 2016 – do you want to expand your beekeeping operation or just improve upon what you already have?  These upcoming winter months are a good time to plan ahead for your next year of beekeeping, catch up on your beekeeping reading, and tend to your equipment – repairing the old and preparing the new.
  • Be good!!! – Santa Claus just might deliver some good beekeeping stuff!!!
On behalf of the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association, I would like wish all of you, your families and friends, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Best of beekeeping,
Jeff Champeau
ECWBA President


The duties of the club president include but are not limited to:
1) Set club meeting schedule and agenda/
2) Reserve the meeting room for the club meetings
3) Chair the club meeting
4) Act as focal point for interaction with the public. 

The duties of the club secretary include but are not limited to:
1) Record the minutes of the club meetings.  

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