
Friday, January 29, 2010

ECWBA Newsletter - Jan 29, 2010

1. Meetings. Here is the list of meeting dates for the start of 2010:

* February meeting: February 20, 2010, 9:30 am at Ripon Public Library.
* March meeting: March 20, 2010, time and place is yet to be determined.

2. Meeting Topics. Here are the discussion topics to be covered at the meetings:

* February meeting: Mite and disease control and prevention.
* March meeting: Splitting spring colonies and making nucleus colonies.
* May meeting: Another field day ??? Anybody interested in sponsoring this ???

4. Membership dues reminder. ECWBA membership dues for 2010 will remain at $15.00. Dues need to be paid by end of March, 2010, in order to continue receiving a newsletter and association communications.

5. Spring Bee Orders: Listed below are some suppliers of package bees and nucs (nucleus colonies). The ECWBA does not specifically endorse any one of these sources. These sources are known for quality bees.

* Lee Heine, Watertown, WI, 920-261-5363. He has 2# & 3# packages available in April.
* Lapp’s Bee Supply, Reeseville, WI, 800-321-1960. Lapp’s has 2# & 3# packages available in April.
* John & Sheri Kohn of Honey Glow Farm, Owen, WI, 715-229-4766. Kohn’s have 2# and 3# packages available in April. They also have nucs available in late April and early May.
* Chris Hansen of Hansen Honey Farm, Rhinelander, WI, 715-369-0383. Three pound packages due in Rhinelander on or around April 23.
* Chris & Becky Werner of Indian Summer Honey Farm, Germantown, WI, 262-242-6569. Werner’s handle nucs, but not packages.

A LINK FOR ORDER FORMS has been posted in the blog preceding this one - for some of the above bee vendors. You may download any of the forms from the blog for more information about each vendor.

6. Group Package Bee Order and Pick-up. Ed Curran from the Brandon area plans to order package bees from Lee Heine for a late April pick-up. He has volunteered to coordinate a group purchase for package bees. If you are interested in participating and would like more information, feel free to give Ed a call at one of the following numbers: Home—920-346-5295, or cell—920-948-5395.

Beekeeping Notes:

* Plan for 2010 – do you want to expand your beekeeping operation or just improve upon what you already have?
* Secure an order of package bees or nucs for spring delivery. It’s best to order early to assure that you’ll be able to get bees.
* Now is a good time to plan and purchase equipment for 2010. This gives you plenty of time to assemble and paint any new hive components.
* Register for and plan to attend a beekeeping class sometime this spring.

Best of beekeeping,
Jeff Champeau
President, ECWBA
Telephone: 715-330-9969

P.S. You may send membership dues to the association’s treasurer or president at one of the following address: George Weigel, 268 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 or Jeff Champeau, 145 N. Wisconsin St., Berlin, WI 54923

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bee Order Forms

here's a link that will open/download a PDF of BEE order forms for this years PACKAGES/NUCS:

Monday, January 25, 2010

HUGE response - alternate times offered

Due to the HUGE response on the beekeeping classes (67 people at the first class). We're SPLITTING the class to two alternate class times - so that we can have a smaller more interactice experience in a smaller room.

Session 2 - Feb. 3
Session 2 (alternate) - Feb. 8
Session 3 - March 3
Session 3 (alternate) - March 8

Classes will be held in Rm. 205/206 - Administrative Extension Bldg. That's UP THE STEPS when you enter the main doors. For those of you who need a lift - the elevator is just on the other side of the doors - right from the lobby.

Monday, January 18, 2010

News from the North

Our Canadian beekeeper friend has a couple of new on-line resources. I'll also update the links on the sidebar: bee-magic blogbee-magic website

Monday, January 11, 2010

ECWBA Newsletter - Jan 9, 2010

1. Beekeeping workshop: Earl Jewett has put together a beginning beekeeping workshop. There will be three sessions to the workshop on the following dates: Wednesday, January 20, 2010; Wednesday, February 3, 2010; and Wednesday, March 3, 2010. Workshop time is 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The workshop location is the UW Fond du Lac Administration & Extension Building, room 205. The cost is $30.00 per person or $50.00 per couple. For information and registration, call 920-929-3171. See below for complete program info. (NOTE: Previous publications have shown Feb. 2 as the second class, the correct date is Feb. 3.)

2. Meetings. Here is the list of meeting dates for the start of 2010:
• January meeting: January 23, 2010, 9:30 am at Ripon Public Library.
• February meeting: February 20, 2010, 9:30 am at Ripon Public Library.
• March meeting: March 20, 2010, time and place is yet to be determined.

3. Topics. Here are the discussion topics to be covered at the meetings:
• January meeting: Review of beekeeping basics.
• February meeting: Mite and disease control and prevention.
• March meeting: Splitting spring colonies and making nucleus colonies.
• May meeting: Another field day ??? Anybody interested in sponsoring this ???

4. Internet Blog note. Denise Palkovich has been doing an excellent job of keeping the organizational blog up and running. The blog has up-to-date information about the ECWBA and other beekeeping information. The blog is on the internet at

5. Membership dues reminder. ECWBA membership dues for 2010 will remain at $15.00. Dues need to be paid by end of March, 2010, in order to continue receiving a newsletter and association communications.

Beekeeping Notes:
• Start planning for 2010 – do you want to expand your beekeeping operation or just improve upon what you already have?
• Now is a good time to plan and purchase equipment for 2010. This gives you plenty of time to assemble and paint any new hive components.
• Register for and plan to attend a beekeeping class sometime this spring.

Best of beekeeping,
Jeff Champeau
President, ECWBA
Telephone: 715-330-9969

Introduction to Beekeeping Program Offered
Individuals interested in pursuing beekeeping as a hobby or side business venture are encouraged to attend a six-hour "Beekeeping 101" program being offered this winter. Classes will be held at UW-Fond du Lac in room 205. Classes will be held from 6:30-9:00 PM on January 20, February 3, and March 3.

The classes are being taught by local beekeepers Earl Jewett and Hank Miller. Hank received the 2009 Educational Award from the Wisconsin Honey Producers Association in recognition of his mentoring of many young 4H beekeepers. Participants will learn about bee biology, beekeeping equipment, hive management, honey extraction and marketing, overwintering bees, and beekeeping resources. The class will be held early enough for beginners to order bees and prepare equipment for spring.

The program is co-sponsored by the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association and UW-Extension. The cost to attend the three programs is $30 per person or $50 per couple. Checks should be made payable to the East Central WI Beekeepers Assn. and mailed to: UW-Extension Beekeeping Program, 400 University Dr., Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Pre-registration by Monday, January 18 is required. For more information contact the Fond du Lac Co. UW-Extension office at 920-929-3171.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sun = Bees

The sun was packing some POWER today...and the girls knew it.

A visit to the beehouse shows that the hives are high and dry and well ventilated. Some were flying around inside there or hanging out by the entrances - they're protected - as long as they don't venture out into the WHITE stuff. There was a nice, comforting HUMMMMMM coming from the boxes.

I can hardly wait to try my hand at splitting hives this spring...fill-up some of that empty space :))

Saturday, January 2, 2010

fun website

go to

what a fun website to explore with kids! (good for BIG kids too...yes you.)