
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Telling the Bees

I recently came across a "folk" group from the UK - their name, "Telling the Bees" - REALLY nice music and they have a new cd available. They're a little hard to find in the states. Their BLOG: Their website: I found them on - but for download only. They're also available for download from On any of these sites, you can "listen" to some samples. The music (to me) - feels very "summery" and warm - the words wrap around the themes of nature. (reminds me of bees)

I did a little search regarding the legends and stories behind the theme, "Telling the Bees" and came up with some interesting tales.

I had heard/read of the practice of TELLING THE BEES, in that - when the beekeeper had died - "the bees must be told". I came across this story too, "One of the most important practices being the "heaving up" of the hives. This practice requires that on the day of the funeral as the funeral party is preparing to leave the house the hive and coffin are both "heaved" or lifted at the same moment."

There's also a "history" of the bees being SOULS DEPARTED. "Plato's doctrine of the transmigration of souls holds that the souls of sober quiet people, untinctured by philosophy come to life as bees."

And there are a multitude of stories involving a sleeping human - where the bee plays the role of "messenger" or "guide" to other realities. Perhaps providing them valuable information for use in their awakened state.

It's interesting to see the deep psychological connection humanity has with bees.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I've read about this. Considering how much beekeepers get involved with their bees it makes perfect sense to me :)
