
Monday, November 23, 2009

Late November

So - here we are late snow yet (great lakes area). We've had a couple of cold weeks - then they seemed to warm - it's been hovering in the 40's to 50's.

The off-site hives are bundled up (wrapped with black tar paper with a couple of straw bales on the wind side). The hives in the Beehouse are enjoying the fact that i can move that front flap up and down for them! There have been some 50 degree days that they've been out in force - getting water from the bird bath, airing themselves out as well as carrying on with hive duties.

Everything of vegitation is brown and dry - no substantial pollen or nectar left for them. There's a small cluster of mustard greens and arugula that has managed to stay green through the frosts...and has some flowers yet - and they've found them! (note to self: leave a bigger patch of greens "go" for next year).

...back to the bee books and pictures of bees....thinking of warm summer days.

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