
Friday, May 15, 2020


“Keeping Bees Alive  Sustainable Beekeeping Essentials” by Lawrence Connor

This book compiles in one place the steps needed to become a sustainable beekeeper.  At ECWBA club meeting we briefly discuss the actions needed to attain that goal.  But here they are provided in more a more complete manner with detailed explanations.

Its obvious that the biggest problem for all ECWBA members is keeping their bee alive.  This book provides excellent guidance on methods for you to become a sustainable beekeeper. 

Some of the highlights are:

1)      Only use mite tolerant queens; such as VSH, Saskatraz, Mite Biters, Minnesota Hygienic,or Russians.

2)      Use locally raised mite tolerant queens that have adapted to loca conditions.

3)      Winter survival is greatly aided by queen types, locally adapted bees and negatively impacted  by use of package bees.

4)      Make your own increase nucs with mite tolerant queens.  Don’t buy packages. 

5)      48 hour queen cells can be used to inexpensively distribute mite tolerant genetics.

I recommend all ECWBA members looking to improve their beekeeping skills read this book.  It is available on Amazon or from Wiswas Press for roughly $40.  My copy will be available to ECWBA members to pass around.   

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