
Sunday, July 7, 2019


Yesterday beekeeper Gerard reported a swarm issued from one of his hives and parked itself in a high tree.  He tried a bait hive, but eventually it flew off to the wilds.

Yesterday during a routine drive around inspection of hives I noted a swarm had occupied one of my top bar hives.

Today I captured a 5 lb swarm after a neighbor informed me of its presence.

I think all my swarms issued from overwintered hives; none from package.

So during your biweekly hive inspection make sure to look for queen cells and remove them unless you don't mind your hives swarming,

Swarming seems to be lasting longer through the summer this year.  Since swarming usually only occurs during the nectar flow, this may be a good sign for a longer and stronger nectar flow this summer.  We can always hope for the best.

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