
Saturday, February 23, 2019


The club has purchased 20 pounds of oxalic acid powder in bulk and re-packaged it for members.  This reduces the cost of oxalic acid from roughly $10 per pound to $3 per pound.  The re-packaged oxalic acid will be distributed at the March club meeting only. (Please remember the March club meeting has been rescheduled from March 16th to March 23rd).  There will be one (1) pound and 1/2 pound containers available at $3 and $1.50 respectively.

To calibrate your purchase, remember that one pound equals 454 grams.  It requires 2 grams of oxalic acid to vaporize a hive of two 10 frame deeps.  Most hobbyists will not use more than a pound throughout the year.   Those beekeepers with one to two hives can get by with 1/2 pound for the year.
If you would like to reserve a container you can email Fred at "".  Specify the size of container you desire.  If you do not show at the meeting your reservation becomes void and the container will be available for other club members.

If the club receives reservations far in excess of the 20 pounds available the club will contemplate an additional bulk purchase.

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