
Thursday, December 20, 2018



Greetings Wisconsin Beekeepers,

I apologize about the late notice and for intruding during the
Holidays, but I’m not sure how else to get the word out…

The Center for Honeybee Research is a non-profit 501 C (3)
organization that sponsors an annual international honey-tasting
contest. Cash awards are generated by entry fees and sales of the

The purpose of the Contest is to showcase flavorful raw honeys from
every region. Scoring is based upon taste/flavor by panels of judges
who are not allowed to see or discuss the honey they are sampling.
Please view our short video at to get a
feel for our event.

The reason I’m reaching out is beekeepers in Wisconsin don’t seem to
know about this and I suspect we are missing out on some pretty tasty
honey. Our deadline has been extended to Dec. 31, 2018 and although
that doesn’t give you a lot of time I’d like to point out 1) We do it
every year  2) the honey doesn’t have to be from this year  and 3) you
can enter as many as you like.

Local honey is a valuable resource which rarely finds its way beyond
regional markets and we’d like to “discover” the treasures Wisconsin’s
micro-climates and make them known on an international stage.

Thank you for your consideration and may you enjoy a Happy Holidays!


Carl Chesick
Director, Center for Honeybee Research
Asheville, NC, USA

8th Annual International Black Jar Honey Contest

Grand Prize $3,000    (10) Category Winners $150 each

Rules, FAQs, Register online

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