
Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Finally a little sustained warm weather is predicted for central Wisconsin!  Next week looks to have several days with mid-60's temperatures and sunshine at the same time!  Hopefully you are done with cleaning out your deadouts.   With this warm weather it will be time to do a little upkeep on your survivor colonies.  Three tasks come to mind.

1) Clean each hive's bottom board.  Try to do this cleaning without removing the brood chambers.  A hooked rod can be used to pull out the dead bees on the bottom board.  You may need to do this several times since some dead bees may be lodged between the frames, but will fall down to the bottom board later.
2) Do a very quick check of the brood chamber and verify that the queen is laying.  Don't lollygag because even the mid 60s temperature will be detrimental to the open brood.  If you see eggs or brood, even on one only one frame, immediately close the hive.  If there are no eggs that means you either have no queen or the work force is not large enough to support her.  In either case remedial action is required.
3) Consider a mite treatment.

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