
Monday, February 12, 2018

Webinar Beekeeping Class for beginners

For beekeeping beginners.  Here is a 4 part webinar class offered by Brushy Mountain.   Oops, couldn't figure out how to fix this.

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Beekeeping Webinar
Want to learn more about beekeeping? Join us starting Tomorrow for our Four-Part webinar series covering practically everything you need to know during your first year of beekeeping! Each session will last about 1-1/2 to 2 hours and will include a question and answer period.

Each Webinar Is Free to the Public
but Pre-registration is required to receive the access link.

Part 1
 February 13th, 2018 @ 6:00pm EST

Welcome to our online beginning beekeeping course. During our opening session we will provide a bit of background on the importance of the honey bee and beekeeping. The different types and pieces of equipment will be explained and their proper use discussed. We will wrap up the session by going over the ideal site for your colony.  
Register for Part 1
Part 2
 February 15th, 2018 @ 6:00pm EST

Session 2 will cover the ins and outs of installing a package and nucleus hive. Once the bees are on the equipment, we discuss how to grow the colony, when to add the next "story", and the signs of a productive colony. Bee biology will be explained, but I promise to make it painless. The different races of bees will briefly be touched on.  
Register for Part 2
Part 3
 February 20th, 2018 @ 6:00pm EST

This might be the most important session. We spend the entire time discussing the various bee diseases and pests, and the treatment options. In most cases, the full range of options from IPM (integrated pest management) to "soft chemicals" to hard chemicals.  
Register for Part 3
Part 4
 February 22nd, 2018 @ 6:00pm EST

At this point we know about our equipment, we know about the bees, we know how to keep them healthy, now we cover fall preparation. We will cover harvesting and extracting and over wintering. There will be time at the end for wrap up.  
Register for Part 4
Or call us at 1-800-BEESWAX (233-7929) to learn more.

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