
Wednesday, September 20, 2017


1) This Saturday, the 23rd, there will be a club meeting at the Ripon Public library commencing at 9:30AM.  The primary topic will be about wintering your bees.

2) Friday is the official start of fall.  Although its been warm this week temperatures will soon be falling.  Get your feeding done NOW if you plan on feeding.

3) Experienced beekeepers have already treated their hives for mites.  If you haven't, get it done NOW.  If you already have treated them it is time to do a post treatment mite level check.  Mite levels greater than 1 per hundred mean you should re-treat.  Most mite treatments are only 90 to 95% effective.  Hives that had very bad mite levels prior to treatment could still have too many mites and put winter survival into debate.

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