
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

SWARMS submitted by beekeeper Jack

If you have built swarm boxes and placed them around an area that you think will yield a swarm, keep a watchful eye on them in the next couple of weeks.

The black locust trees are in full bloom and the honey bees love the abundant nectar that they provide.  

Presently the hives are booming with activity and its surprising how fast they are filling honey supers.
If your neighboring beekeeper has underestimated the honey flow, space within the hive can become a problem and hopefully you can become a benefactor of that problem.

Yesterday I caught my first swarm in one of my Green Lake swarm boxes.   Swarm box number two  is also getting a good look from several dozen scout bees.

If you are having any luck at catching those free swarms, let the group know.  We all love a good deal !


  1. I also caught my first swarm yesterday. Actually, the capture was a marathon. The day before I captured and put this swarm into a hive TWICE. Both times they quickly left. I assume I either didn't get the queen or the queen did not leave the hive with the swarm. The next day I again saw the swarm in the same location (within 10 feet) and this time they stayed put after I captured them. Remember swarms usually issue during times of high nectar flow. Beekeeper Fred

  2. I have a couple of black locust trees in full bloom, and haven't seen honeybees in them yet. A couple of years ago the trees were buzzing well into the evening. There are a few bumblebees in the locusts but that's about it. The honeybees seem to prefer the wild raspberries that are in bloom around here.
