
Friday, March 4, 2016

WEBSITE CHANGES by blog editor Fred

At the January 2016 club meeting there were a few suggestions on how the website could be improved.  I have taken a little time pondering these suggestions and can hopefully make changes that will accommodate these suggestions.  First, remember that the OURBEE BLOG website is a free website with limited capabilities.  Going to a custom website would be more expensive than the limited readership warrants.  I estimate we have a maximum of 25 readers.  Our free website has a limited number of pages and doesn’t have the capability of drop-down menus.

Here is what I can do within the limitations:

a)      The first page (Home) will remain unchanged.  I believe this is the page which gets the most traffic.
b)      In lieu of drop-down menus, which are not a feature of our free website, a table of contents will be added to the top of each subsequent page.  Then the reader can see the contents of each page without having to scroll down through the entire page.

c)       This will permit some pages to be combined.  For example the Events, Calendar and Places pages will be combined into a single page “Events”.  This will free up space for additional pages on topics the club deems important.

d)      Nobody is sending pictures or news.  I plan to delete the NEWS and PICS page. 

e)      A CONTACTS page will be added after we agree whose names and contact info is to be added.  I suggest adding every club members name, email and phone number.   I would also move the SWARM CATCHERS list here along with any MENTOR volunteers.
f)       A “BEE FACTS” page can be added.  I do not plan to author this page.  This new page will only be added if a volunteer comes forward and agrees to provide a biweekly input.  This is not as easy as it seems.  You cannot just click and drag (ie copy) someone else’s work.  That would be plagiarism and also copyright violation.  You must write the text yourself unless you have written consent from the actual author.  After that I will be happy to insert it into the blog. 


Blog editor Fred

1 comment:

  1. I think we should have a pic page. I didn't think to submit any pics until now, but it would be nice to share pics of bee doings, our apiaries, things that are bee oriented. Different bee flowers, trees..... Let's discuss what content we all want and agree will be nice to have within the constraints of the site.
