
Wednesday, April 1, 2015


The Bee Informed Partnership is seeking data on winter and summer hives losses from commercial and hobbyist beekeepers.  Read the below request from them and respond as you see fit.
Dear Beekeeper,           
Beekeepers needed!  Thank you for your interest in participating in the National Colony Loss Management Survey organized by the Bee Informed Partnership and sponsored by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

Please go to our online survey at and complete the survey there.  It will be live on April 1st and close on April 30th.  Please do not complete the survey more than once. Information about past Winter Loss and National Management Surveys and the annual reports can be found online at

The Colony Loss Survey has evolved from our winter loss survey because last year we found that commercial beekeepers lost 25% of their colonies over the summer, and so we are now starting to monitor and report annual, in addition to winter losses.  The National Management Survey is conducted annually in conjunction with the Colony Loss Survey. Designed to take about 30 minutes, the 2 surveys are  aimed at looking for relationships between colony loses and colony management (including  disease treatment strategies, supplemental feeding, etc.) and/or other factors that may influence colony health (such as colony location, honey production, and forage type). Your participation in this research is voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential. In any publication or presentation resulting from this research, no personally identifiable information will be disclosed.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at  Once again thank you for your participation.

Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp

Project Director, Bee Informed Partnership

University of Maryland

Karen Rennich

Project Manager, Bee Informed Partnership

University of Maryland

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