
Monday, February 23, 2015

February Club Meeting

The ECWBC held their February meeting at the Ripon library on February 21st.  The biannual elections for Vice President and Treasurer were held.  Fred Ransome was elected Vice President.  George Wiegel was reelected as Treasurer.

The club decided to donate all club library material to local public libraries.  A list of all titles is kept on the club blog.  All donated books will be avialable to club members and the public via the WinniFOX library exchange system.  The club also voted to fund another $200 for book purchases.  Further money will be allocated on an annual basis.

Fred Ransome has volunteered to hold the annual field day in late May or early June.  The specific date will be announced at the next club meeting.

Several new members joined the club.  All members then participated in a discussion of their current hive status; such as types and number of hives and winter survival to date.

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