
Friday, July 15, 2011

Just a short message to the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers:

At the last meeting, July 9th, we decided to put out a request for ideas regarding T-shirts and sweatshirts. Andy Krueger has a T-shirt printing vendor to work with for getting T-shirts. What we are looking for is ideas about what to put on the T-shirts. So, if you have ideas about a logo or motto for the T-shirts that would represent the organization well, please forward those ideas to myself or Andy. With logo and/or motto ideas, the organization can decide whether or not to go ahead with the purchase at the September meeting. Andy can be contacted by e-mail at - or - you can contact me at

There are other opportunities as well. An unofficial committee was created to initiate planning a beekeeping class for the new year. Every one is invited to join the committee or provide their input. Also, don't forget the September meeting is the products bazaar. If you bring in a beekeeping related product, please be ready to give a brief explanation about your product.

A newsletter with more details will be forth coming.


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