
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Harvest

This is a LOVE/HATE time of year. I'm sad that the bee season will soon be over. I will hear and see them less - buzzing around the yard.

Of course, it's also exciting to "see how the girls did".

My hives didn't fare as well as last year - about half the honey. But remember - I'm experimenting with some "high hives"...which means the additional super or deep I have over the 2 bottom deeps....IS THEIRS - and THEY seem to be filling nicely. I'd rather they keep their winter stores.

I don't know what to expect of this coming winter - the season as a whole has been so DRAMATIC. They seemed to be sealing hives early - we'll have to wait and see if they know something that we don't.

The harvest at SUNSEED went well, and we had a good dozen of interested folks. Anything that I can do to "show-off" the girls and encourage EVERYONE to become a backyard beekeeper.... One point brought up - the DOCILE nature of honey bees - as I worked them without smoke. THE QUESTION: ZONING restrictions in communities - The ANSWER: KNOWLEDGE - and that knowledge getting into the minds of the people responsible for these restrictions. (Sunseed had to get a variance from the town of Mt. Calvary for their hives.)

I know town board meetings isn't probably topping the list of THINGS I WANT TO DO....but "if you always do what you always did - you always get what you always got." Change is coming.

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