
Monday, May 11, 2009

Keeping Ahead of the Hive

When do I stop feeding the bees? When they stop taking it. Take a look around you....are there flowers in bloom? flowering trees? dandelions? If there's other resources for them, it's time.

When is it time to SUPER? Remember the "feeling" of SPACE is very important - STAY AHEAD OF YOUR BEES.

If you haven't already - you should consider the spring time hive body switch - which will put the "empty" lighter frames on top (these are the frames they ate-up over the winter)

According to one beekeeper - give your hive bodies a "heft" test - lift....heavy? Is the hive BURSTING with bees? - top deep box frames covered with bees? ....SUPER

Tis the season - drones are "made" and hives are making queen cells....

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