
Wednesday, December 29, 2021


How do you like your RAW honey?

Most will agree that RAW honey comes straight from the hive without being pasteurized or filtered. This kind of honey usually crystallizes over time, causing the honey to be grainy or sugary. While that is a good sign, all the nutrients are still in the honey, it can turn some people off. 

Now that we have had honey for a few months now, most of you are probably experiencing crystallized honey in your jars. Once the crystallization starts, it will continue to consume the whole container. The honey will get thicker and may even turn solid.

The best way to decrystallize your honey is with slow heat that is not above 110 degrees. Some will argue that you can go higher but most will agree that anything above 140 will destroy the nutrients and benefits. I think of it as, how hot would have the honey have gotten when it was in the hive? 

There are lots of ways to slowly warm your honey back up in order to melt the crystals. Place your honey container in a pot of hot water, put it in the sun or hot room/car, wrap a heating pad around it, etc. Never put it in the microwave! Microwaves have uneven heating and will most likely go over 140 degrees. You can warm your honey to remove crystals as often as necessary.

However you like your honey, ENJOY!
Patti Ingram