
Sunday, February 2, 2020


Once in a while we get a blue bird day; sunshine, little wind, and warm temps. This Sunday I think we just had our blue bird day for February; sunshine galore and warm temperatures (for February that is). 

Although the temperature only reached a high of 44F, the microclimate on the south face of the hive was considerably warmer.  I placed a thermometer on the face of one of my hives and recorded 65F.  This warm temperature allowed the bees to warm their flight muscles and then take short voiding flights.  I also noticed that flight activity was significantly greater in my mating yard which is protected on three sides from the wind.


Unfortunately, some of the bees don’t make it back to the hive and can be seen sprinkled on the snow.   Also, on the snow are those golden spots indicating they accomplished their goal of voiding waste products that they have been holding all winter.   Although a few bees don’t make it back to the hive overall the ability to take voiding flights is more beneficial to overall hive health than the loss of a few bees.  

Tomorrow we will be back to normal February temperatures so we should be glad of the blessing of this one blue bird day.  

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