
Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Today there were geese winging their way north, sandhill cranes foraging in snow filled corn fields, and a few robins!  Drainage ditches and creeks are flowing. But the sap was not yet flowing up in a few maples I had tapped for maple syrup.  Can spring be far behind?  The moderating temperatures will definitely give the bees a break and promote brood rearing.

Remember the upcoming ECWBA club meeting on Saturday, March 23rd.  Normal place (Caestecker Public Library) and normal time (9:30AM to 11:30AM)

Next week it looks like we will be having a few days with sunny days and temperatures in the 50's.  It would be a good time to check your hive survival rates.  Survivor hives should be flying on the warm sunny afternoons.  Then you need to get replacement packages on order if required.  I am sure potential package sources will be discussed at the club meeting on the 23rd.

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