
Wednesday, December 13, 2017


This is a reminder that there will be a club meeting this Saturday, December 16th, at the library in Green Lake.   Topics will be:  Care of your bees in the winter and discussion whether the club should pursue a tax exempt status.

This past week I was out checking my hives.  In many hives, actually MOST, the bee cluster is now in the upper brood box and partaking of the emergency sugar I had placed there in November.    The fact that the clusters in most hives are already in the top brood chamber confirms that last summer was not the best for storing honey.  The poor honey harvest was another indicator.   It is still a long way to spring.  To avoid starvation, you should be verifying the bees have feed at two week intervals; adding emergency feed as necessary.  Remember that in the winter the bees need about 12 pounds of honey or equivalent per month.   

Bees have almost completely consumed sugar disc

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