
Thursday, May 26, 2016

ECWBA FIELD DAY, Saturday June 4th

Our club field day is next weekend; on Saturday June 4th.   The long range weather forecast is cloudy with no rain.   Here is the agenda.

Gerard will lead a hive inspection tutorial for new beekeepers.  He will point out key items to look for during inspection of several hives.  

Several hives are fitted with sticky boards so he will also check for varroa mites.  We will give a demonstration of use of both MAQS (formic) and oxalic acid for mite control.  Latest recommendations are to knock down mite levels 3 times in the course of the spring, summer and fall.
The club's new observation hive will be unveiled.

Finally for more advanced beekeepers we will go though the step by step process of raising queens in quantity or just a few.  

The field day starts at 10AM.  The hive inspection and queen raising classes will be run in parallel unless the attendees decide otherwise.  Duration will be 3 to 4 hours depending on on-the-spot feedback.


The field day will be held near Princeton, Wisconsin.  Approach Princeton on state route 23.  Approximately, 1 mile east of Princeton turn south on County W.  Travel south to the first left turn; Salbego Lane.  You are there!  Park on the north side of the road only.

                                                      Vicki taking a turn in egg grafting

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