
Friday, February 27, 2015

Wintering Bees

Here are two articles relating to how bees survive in a cluster in the winter.

One from West Mountain Apiary.

The second from Canada:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

National Honey Board Web Page

The National Honey Board is a honey industry funded educational group.  Their web page has a lot of useful information on a variety of topics, such as: honey prices (wholesale and retail), honey labeling requirements, honey nutritional facts, honey recipes, bee research and educational material.
The address of their web page is:   Take a look; you will find both interesting and useful information.

Spring Wild Bees of Wisconsin

Although slightly off topic this guide helps the user differentiate between wild bees, wasps, hornets and domesticated honey bees.

Monday, February 23, 2015

February Club Meeting

The ECWBC held their February meeting at the Ripon library on February 21st.  The biannual elections for Vice President and Treasurer were held.  Fred Ransome was elected Vice President.  George Wiegel was reelected as Treasurer.

The club decided to donate all club library material to local public libraries.  A list of all titles is kept on the club blog.  All donated books will be avialable to club members and the public via the WinniFOX library exchange system.  The club also voted to fund another $200 for book purchases.  Further money will be allocated on an annual basis.

Fred Ransome has volunteered to hold the annual field day in late May or early June.  The specific date will be announced at the next club meeting.

Several new members joined the club.  All members then participated in a discussion of their current hive status; such as types and number of hives and winter survival to date.

Friday, February 20, 2015

were you wondering why our package prices are so high?

<link>  (read this article!)

80,000+ beehives damaged or dead;

Beekeepers Meet With EPA

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ever hear of a ROTATABLE HIVE?

yah - ME NEITHER!  i have to say the title intrigued me.... <link>

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

BEEconomy (a book)

<LINK> "What Women and Bees Can Teach Us about Local Trade and the Global Market"

Monday, February 9, 2015

ON-LINE course

Can't get to a BEE CLASS this year?  Take an "ON-LINE COURSE" at your leisure....
over 160 "classes" posted by long lane honey on youtube - David is a certified master beekeeper.  For those of you who advance well beyond "regular" beekeeping....long lane also has QUEEN REARING classes!  You have to make your reservation early - seems they go pretty fast.  <LINK>

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Local (FDL) beekeeping classes for beginners

Individuals interested in pursuing beekeeping as a hobby are encouraged to attend a seven-hour Introduction to Beekeeping program being offered this winter. Classes will be held from 6:00-8:30 PM on February 25, March 11, and June 24 at UW-Fond du Lac in room 205 Administration/Extension Building.

The UW-Extension sponsored classes are being taught by local veteran beekeepers Earl Jewett and Hank Miller who collectively have managed beehives over 75 years. The beginners’ program will cover bee biology, beekeeping equipment, hive management, honey extraction and marketing, overwintering bees, and beekeeping resources. The classes will be held early enough for beginners to order bees and prepare equipment for spring.

Cost for the beginning program is $50 per person, which includes a textbook and materials. Special pricing is available for family couples, middle school through college students, and for those who already have a copy of the textbook (Beekeeping for Dummies).

Participants must pre-register by mail or in-person by February 13.  Registration will be limited to 40 people.

Make checks payable to UW-Extension and mail to: UWEX Beekeeping Program, 400 University Dr., Fond du Lac, WI  54935. For more information contact the Fond du Lac Co. UW-Extension office at 920-929-3171.

Overwintering bees

(from beekeeper Fred)  a good article on overwintering bees.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Looking for a specific variety of honey?

here's a link to the NATIONAL HONEY BOARD HONEY LOCATOR <link>

copy from the website: The color, flavor, and even aroma of a particular variety of honey may differ depending on the nectar source of flowers visited by the honey bee. The colors may range from nearly colorless to dark brown, the flavor may vary from delectably mild to distinctively bold, and even the odor of the honey may be mildly reminiscent of the flower.

more Russian options

(from beekeeper Fred)  I stumbled on a Wisconsin supplier for Russian nucs.  Limited quantities.   They are located on Washington Island.  See ""  Not sure if they also have queens.  Their website also has some good instructions on handling of Russians.