
Monday, April 7, 2014

weather BREAKING ...finally!!!

this weekend was definitely a good time to get some "first of the season" beekeeping done. clean-up deadout hives, sort through frames, (i make a "to burn" pile - i just don't mess around with any nosema staining), shake out and pull out dead bees, get some of the exterior parts in shape for painting.

and for the SURVIVORS - first of all - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!.  get a good assessment of population, if the queen is laying / brood, and do a HIVE BODY SWITCH.

your survivor hives should have some brood by now...small amounts, given the lack of resources and cool temps yet.  if you get the opportunity to really GET INTO the frames - now is the time (when your population is lower) to MARK (in your mind at least) any frames that you'll want to cycle out....and get ready to throw some new foundation in within the next week or so, and do any rearranging.  keep in mind - DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH THE BROOD AREA - don't break them apart....the nights are still cold and they have to be able to keep babies warm.

if any of you are going to throw some "super" frames into "deeps" for DRONE CUT OUT this season - get those ready (marked).  for those of you keeping all supers and no deeps - you'll have to alter a couple of super frames.  like in the picture -only your frame is shorter.  note: in the picture how these cutout frames are marked.

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