
Monday, January 27, 2014

Beginner Beekeeping Class, sponsored by HoneyBeeWare (Hortonville)

from Wayne Gerdts at HoneyBeeWare - Hortonville...

We will have a Beginning Beekeeper Class March 29

Instructor: University of Minnesota Bee Squad coordinator, Becky Masterman. 

Becky Masterman coordinates the University of Minnesota Bee Squad, an organization that helps people help bees.  Becky graduated from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities with a BA (major in history, minor in biology) and then obtained a Ph.D. degree in Entomology studying the neuroethology of honey bee hygienic behavior in the University of Minnesota Bee Lab under the direction of Dr. Marla Spivak.

We have package bees and nucs available.

ECWBA - Newsletter January 2014

Greetings to the members of the ECWBA…

ECWBA Meeting
The first meeting of 2014 for the ECWBA is scheduled for February 8, 2014.  The meeting location will be at the Ripon Public Library, downstairs in the Silver Creek Room.  The library’s address is 120 Jefferson Street.  The meeting start time is 9:30 am. There is currently no business for the meeting.  However, the offices of secretary and president are up for election. 
For discussion time, we will talk about winter survival rates (if known), bringing the bees into the spring, getting started for new beekeepers and helping any new beekeepers find a mentor. Plus anything else anybody wants to talk about.

Memberships for 2014
The new year also brings with it membership renewal time.  The membership dues have been reduced to $5.00 for a one year membership.  One membership entitles the member(s) to receive the newsletter, to vote on officer elections and organizational business issues, and to hold a position as an officer.  A membership may include more than one person (e.g. husband/wife, parent/child, etc.), but only one newsletter will be sent out and only one vote may be cast per membership.

ECWBA Library
The ECWBA maintains a library from which members can check out beekeeping books.  Andy Krueger has been doing a great job as our association librarian.  If you have ECWBA books, please bring them back so we can keep those books circulating.  If you are exploring something new in beekeeping, the library probably has a book or DVD for you to check out. This is a valuable resource – use it to your advantage!!!

Beekeeping Notes:
Start planning for 2014 – Secure an order of package bees or nucs for spring delivery.  It’s best to order early to assure that you’ll be able to get bees.  Now is a good time to plan and purchase equipment.  This gives you plenty of time to assemble and paint any new hive components.  If you have some experience, this could be the year to mentor a new beekeeper. If you are new to beekeeping, search out those mentors.

Best of Beekeeping,
Jeff Champeau