
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Impressive New Book

(2011) Classic Queen Rearing Compendium.  An impressive 2-inch thick collection of 7 books/authors. (and not cheap: $54/amazon)
• An overview of queen rearing, by Michael Bush
• Practical Queen Rearing, by Frank Pellet
• Scientific Queen Rearing, by G.M. Doolittle
• The Alley Method, by Henry Alley
• The Miller Method, by C.C. Miller
• Isaac Hopkins on Queen Rearing
• Queen Rearing Simplified, by Jay Smith
• Better Queens, by Jay Smith

I've only just started but I REALLY LIKE the line of thinking - and that is BUILDING GENETIC DIVERSITY.  Building a Better Bee - Building Survivor Stock.  This is going to cover old methods and thought...right up to the new methods.  Despite it's reads quite quickly as you're going from author to author.

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