
Sunday, August 25, 2013

ECWBA Newsletter - August 2013

1.  Here is the information for the final meeting of 2013:  

·         September 14, 2013, Saturday morning at 9:30 am.  Meet at the Ripon Public Library (Silver Creek Room).  Address is 120 Jefferson Street, Ripon, WI.  See note below about the guest speaker scheduled for a presentation.

2.  September Meeting.  The September 14, 2013, meeting of the ECWBA will be at the Ripon Public Library.  Meeting start time is 9:30 am.  The special guest speaker will be Ann Marie Ames from the Wisconsin DATCP.  Ann Marie will give a presentation about the Drift Watch program that she oversees at the DATCP.  Drift Watch is a registration program for beekeepers and organic producers to help against pesticide damage and contamination.  It sounds like Ann Marie has a great program lined up for us.  This will be a timely and important presentation, so ECWBA members are encourage to bring a guest that is involved with beekeeping or organic production.

3.   The year 2014 is a few months away, but let’s plan ahead for the next year.  At the September meeting, we will try to establish a committee for a beginner’s beekeeping class for early 2014.  Also, please give some consideration to volunteering or seeking a nomination for one of the two officer positions that will be up for election in January 2014.  That will be the offices of secretary and of president.  The ECWBA needs to vary its leadership with new and different ideas in order to keep it a thriving organization.  If we cannot fill the officer board, an alternative would be to close the association.

4.  The ECWBA maintains a library from which members can check out beekeeping books.  Andy Krueger has been doing a great job as our association librarian. If you have ECWBA books, please bring them back so we can keep those books circulating.  If you are exploring something new in beekeeping, the library probably has a book or DVD for you to check out.  This is a valuable resource – use it to your advantage!!!

5.  Special request from an ECWBA member:  Larry Beuthin, with the assistance of Mary Montag, has located a house with a colony of honeybees in it. Larry would like some help with removing the bees and invites our membership to participate in the removal process.  He would also like to possibly video the process for a future presentation.  The house is located just north of Markesan.  Larry would like to get this accomplished sometime around Labor Day.  If you are interested in helping Larry and Mary with this colony removal project, please contact Larry at 920-398-3580.

Beekeeping Notes:

·         It looks like the honey crop is a good one this year.  We will take a quick and informal survey of members in attendance at the September meeting about honey crop yields.

·         If you have not developed a plan for honey extracting yet, you’re running a bit behind.  Either buy an extracting unit (or system) or team up with an existing beekeeper that can provide you with an extracting service.

·         Also, plan how you will store the honey harvest.  There can sometimes be a shortage of jars at this time of the year as everyone scrambles to obtain containers.

·         Don’t forget – The ECWBA has two refractometers for measuring the moisture content of honey.  One refractometer is kept with the library for check out.  The other one is in Fond du Lac with Denise Palkovich.  Contact Denise at 920-922-7487 or see her note on the ECWBA website for use of the refractometer.

I look forward to seeing you all at the last meeting of 2013, on September 14, at the Ripon Library.

Best of Beekeeping,

Jeff Champeau

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