
Friday, March 1, 2013

ECWBA Newsletter February

1.  Here is the current list of meeting dates and places for 2013:
  • Saturday, March 9, 2013, Ripon Public Library, 9:30 to 11:00 am. Address is 120 Jefferson Street in Ripon.  Meeting is in the Silver Creek Room downstairs.  After a business meeting, we will discuss the many various ways of preventing and controlling pests and diseases.
  • May and/or June, 2013 (another field day???)
  • July and September meetings to be determined.
2.  Welcome to all new members who have come on board.  We have many new members as a result of the Beginners’ Beekeeping Class in Oshkosh.  Thank-you to the current members who have renewed their memberships.
3.  The election for the offices of vice-president and treasurer that should have been held in January has been postponed.  So, at the March, 2013, meeting, the offices of vice-president and treasurer will be up for election.  The positions are currently held by Denise Palkovich as Vice President and George Weigel as Treasurer.  Both, Denise and George, have done a great job as ECWBA officers for their past two year terms.  Here’s an opportunity to become directly involved with the ECWBA.  Please consider running for either of these offices -- a little “electoral competition” would be great to see.  If you have any questions about the election or about becoming an officer, please contact Jeff Champeau by phone or e-mail.
4.  Andy Krueger, along with her committee, has done a great job establishing a beginners’ beekeeping class.  This class is already half complete.  The students have showed great interest in learning beekeeping and are asking many good questions.  Please welcome these new beekeepers into the ECWBA.
4.  The new year also brings with it membership renewal time.  The membership dues will remain $15.00 for a one year membership.  One membership entitles the member(s) to receive the newsletter, to vote on officer elections and organizational business issues, and to hold a position as an officer.  A membership may include more than one person (e.g. husband/wife, parent/child, etc.), but only one newsletter will be sent out and only one vote may be cast per membership.
Beekeeping Notes:
Secure an order of package bees or nucs for spring delivery.  It’s best to order early to assure that you’ll be able to get bees.
Now is a good time to plan and purchase equipment for 2013.  This gives you plenty of time to assemble and paint any new hive components.
Once it warms up (it usually does eventually), take a peek at existing over-wintered hives.  Feed some emergency granulated sugar if the bees are running short of stored honey.
Prepare to start feeding sugar syrup in mid to late March once the daytime temperatures are in the 40’s and above.
Clean dead bees out of dead over-wintered hives.  Dead bees start to rot and create a real mess if not cleaned out in a timely manner.
If this year is your first foray into beekeeping, find a mentor.
I look forward to seeing you all at the March 9th ECWBA meeting in Ripon.
Best of Beekeeping,
Jeff Champeau