
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ECWBA Newsletter - December 4, 2010

Holiday greetings to all of the ECWBA members,
December has settled upon us and now is the time every one is making preparations for the holiday season. However, I thought I’d send out a brief newsletter to keep everyone updated about the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association.

1. Here is the list of meeting dates for the new year, 2011:
* January meeting: January 15, 2011, 9:30 am, at Ripon Public Library.
* February meeting: February 12, 2011, time and place is yet to be determined, but Fond du Lac is the target area.
* March meeting: March 12, 2011, 9:30 am, at Ripon Public Library.
* May (or June) meeting: Field day. Date, time, and place are yet to be determined. Some members have requested that the field day be moved to the middle of June in order to observe colonies that have already transitioned to the honey production phase.

2. The topics for the first few meetings have been established. However, based on scheduling of guest speakers, specific speakers and topics have not yet been assigned to a specific meeting date. Some of the guest speakers and topics are the state bee inspector and a beekeeping equipment supply representative. These speakers are tentative based on their availability. A number of topics that the members wanted to hear about were discussed at a past meeting. Some members may be asked to give presentations about their beekeeping methods and operations.

3. This year, 2010, was the second year for the ECWBA. I think things went well and I am looking toward a successful year during 2011. I would like to thank every one that has become involved in the ECWBA. Your support and dedication has established the foundation for establishing a local beekeeping organization focused on beekeeper development. Let's sustain the momentum we've gained into a third successful year.

4. At the January, 2011, meeting, the offices of vice-president and treasurer will be up for election. The positions are currently held by Don Palkovich as Vice President and George Weigel as Treasurer. Both, Don and George, have done a great job as ECWBA officers for the past two years. Here’s an opportunity to be come directly involved with the ECWBA. Please consider running for either of these offices -- a little “electorial competition” would be great to see. If you have any questions about the election or about becoming an officer, please contact Jeff Champeau by phone or e-mail.

5. Remember to check our blog for the latest club postings or interesting commentary.

6. For next year, 2011, the membership dues payment period will be the first two months of the year. After that, membership privileges (voting at meetings and receiving a newsletter) will be withheld until dues are paid. Dues will remain at $15.00 for a yearly membership.

Beekeeping Notes:
Start planning for 2011 – Winter is a good time to relax with a warm cup of hot chocolate and think about next year’s beekeeping. Is this the year to attend an advanced beekeeping seminar? Or maybe a workshop to learn about queen rearing?

If you have some experience, this could be the year to mentor a new beekeeper. As for myself, 2011 is the year I’m going to back-off, slow down, and just really enjoy beekeeping.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all…
Best of beekeeping,
Jeff Champeau
President, ECWBA
Telephone: 715-330-9969
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. I’m sometimes hard to contact, but leave a message and I’ll call you back. Or e-mail me at

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