
Monday, August 23, 2010

ECWBA Newsletter - August 22, 2010

1. Last Meeting of 2010. The last meeting for the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association is September 18, 2010. Start time is 9:30 am. We will meet at the Ripon Public Library downstairs in the Silver Creek Room. A short business meeting will be followed by an open discussion about this past summer’s production and also about over-wintering bees.

2. September Meeting Challenge!!! Here’s a little challenge for anyone planning to attend the September meeting. I would like each member to bring in an idea for a new and different topic to be presented or discussed during next year’s meeting presentations. Here’s your chance to help determine the topics you want to hear and learn about. Topics can be anything related to beekeeping.

3. Next year. The September meeting will be the last meeting for 2010. The first meeting of 2011 will be in January. Date, time, and place are to be determined. This year was the second year for the organization. I think things went well and I am looking toward a successful year next year as well. I would like to thank every one that has become involved in the ECWBA. Your support and dedication has established the foundation for establishing a local organization focused on beekeeper development. Let's sustain the momentum we've gained into a third successful year.

4. Election, Election, Election!!! I know, I know…the last thing you want to hear about right now is another election!!! In 2011, the offices of vice-president and treasurer will be up for election. The positions are currently held by Don Palkovich as Vice President and George Weigel as Treasurer. Both, Don and George, have done a great job in their respective positions. Here’s an opportunity to be come directly involved with the ECWBA. Please consider running for either of these offices -- a little “electorial competition” would be great to see. If you are interested in being a candidate for one of these offices, please contact Jeff Champeau by phone or e-mail.

5. Internet Blog note. The blog has up-to-date information about the ECWBA and other beekeeping information and commentary.

6. Membership. For next year, 2011, the membership dues payment period will be the first two months of the year. After that, membership privileges (voting at meetings and receiving a newsletter) will be withheld until dues are paid. Dues will remain at $15.00 for a yearly membership.

7. Classified Advertising in the Newsletter. If any member has a beekeeping-related product, item, or service for which you would like to buy, trade, or sell, I can run an advertisement in the ECWBA newsletter. There will be no charge for this service for any member in good standing. I will run the ad for three months or until you request that the ad is discontinued. Any advertising that is considered inappropriate will not be published. You may send the ad-copy to Jeff Champeau by e-mail to or call me at 715-330-9969. Please be sure, at a minimum, to include: details about the product, item, or service; asking price; and your personal contact information.

Beekeeping Notes:

  • Be sure to manage your honey harvest to ensure enough honey remains on the hive for winter survival.
  • If you have harvested excess honey or other honey bee products, prepare a marketing plan. There are many farmers’ markets in the area. There are usually holiday craft shows later in the year through which you might be able to market your honey.
  • If you are new to beekeeping and you do not yet have a means of extracting honey, find an established beekeeper that is willing to help you with extracting your honey.
  • Start planning for the fall application of mite and disease controls. Also, plan for feeding bees if honey stores are inadequate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 715-330-9969. I’m sometimes hard to contact, but leave a message and I’ll call you back. Or e-mail me at

Best of beekeeping,

Jeff Champeau

President, ECWBA

Telephone: 715-330-9969

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