
Monday, July 6, 2009

are you a BEE SHAMAN?

there's a book out called, "The Shamanic Way of the Bee: Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters" by Simon Buxton

here's a little preview:

A Western Shamanic Tradition: The Path of Pollen

The cells of the Shamanic Way of the Bee comprise a Bee Master and his apprentice, alongside the Bee Mistress and her Mellisae, her female students and associates. There is no formal recruitment; rather members are mysteriously drawn to the tradition.

In the case of Simon Buxton, this first experience occurred at a young age, through a very serious illness that was averted by a neighbor who performed shamanic rites linked to his role as a beekeeper. Beekeeper and boy became firm friends following this incident, and through this friendship Simon Buxton learned the rudiments of beekeeping, skills which were to stand him in good stead as an adult drawn to the Shamanic Way of the Bee.

He became the final apprentice of a respected elder of the path of pollen, the enigmatic and charismatically wise Bridges. This path leads him through sometimes terrifyingly challenging experiences through which he learned of deep shamanic truths thanks to his close bond with the bees.

1 comment:

  1. An eloquently-written book, but dealt more I think with the author's personal psyche and sexual obsessions, than the Truth of bees. Although Mr Buxton is clever, and exceedingly well educated I am sure, and aware of occult and 'shamanic' initiatory procedures, I wonder if he really DOES know what that Truth is, and knows bees as well as he thinks he does...Or maybe he is riding on a New age bandwagon of some kind, clever enough to realize he could not claim any old Shamanic heritage for fear of seriously upsetting indigenous and Tribal People, and so in order to make a good living he has used bees as a focus for his personal psycho-sexual concerns?
