
Monday, March 16, 2009

50 plus degrees in wisconsin

a sure sign of spring arriving in wisconsin....this hive is BURSTING with healthy bees....and they just couldn't wait to get out and try their wings! they were curiously flying around the backyard by 9 am....a little too close for comfort around hair, and eyes, and ears.

Spring maintenance on this hive revealed VERY FEW dead bees on the bottom board. Hive bodies were switched.

If things continue to go well with this hive - it's a definite candidate for SPLITTING. with this many bees in the box already, they will soon feel crowded and likely swarm. AND - it's proven itself through 2 winters - save these genetics!

This hive is solitary and in full sun. It get's "wrapped" in black tarpaper over the winter and straw bales on the west and east sides for a wind break. Here it's shown unwrapped, and the bales will remain for a little longer yet (well - they're frozen to the ground for one thing...)

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