
Friday, February 27, 2009

What should we call ourselves?

We want something that describes our regional area and yet is "search able" and easy for interested parties to join us...
  • (Fox) Valley Beekeepers Association
  • Dairyland Beekeepers Association
  • Mid-Wisconsin Beekeepers
  • East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers (Association)
  • East Central Beekeepers of Wisconsin
  • Ripon Area Beekeepers
  • Beekeepers of East Central Wisconsin

The Old Saying

You put 10 beekeepers in a room and you come out with 11 answers. It's all good - that's at least 10 new ideas!!!

February 14th Meeting, Ripon

Officers are elected and duties discussed. Membership dues are collected ($15 gets you one vote). We debate about what to call ourselves! (the biggest hindrance being that we don't want to call ourselves something that already exists) More research required.

Jeff, president - brought an empty hive box to show everyone the basic parts and stacking of a hive.

NEXT MEETING: March 21, 2009

New Beekeepers Association Forming

Jeff Champeau runs an ad in local newspapers - inquiring as to the interest of starting a local beekeepers association. The response was very good. Organizational Meeting held at the Ripon Library, January 17th - attended by 23 people.

  1. The establishment of a formal organization with board members/officers
  2. The timing and structure of future meetings
  3. Membership Fees
  4. The organization's name